Utilities Department

Operated by:

Village of Reedsville

Utility Operator

Phone: (920) 754-4094
Fax: (920) 754-4103
Email: [email protected]

For Billing Questions:

Village of Reedsville


Mary Jo Krahn

Phone: (920) 754-4371
Email: [email protected]


Waste Water Treatment Facility

Design Criteria

Design Population 1322
Average Daily Flow - Dry .168 mgd
Average Daily Flow - Wet .324 mgd
Maximum Daily Flow .690 mgd
Maximum Design B.O.D. 599 lbs/day
Average Daily SS 366 lbs/day
Design Phosphorus 16.2 lbs/day

System Description
35,000 ft. of 8" collection main
2,110 ft of 10" collection main
2,020 ft of 12" collection main
7,250 ft of force main

Pump Stations

2 - Lift Pump Stations

Main Station

2 - 17 hp sanitary pumps 282 gpm 137 TDH
2 - 42 hp storm water pumps 563 gpm 137 TDH

Subdivision Secondary:
2 - 4 hp sanitary pumps 200 gpm 30 TDH

General Information

Waste Water Treatement Plant
Headworks Building
Grit removal system, fine screen, influent sampling, influent metering.
Oxidation Ditch
Capability to treat 690,000 gallons per day.
Oxidation Ditch total volume = 160,571 gal.
1 - Clarifier total volume = 72,152 gal.
2 - Return Activated Sludge Pumps
1 - Waste Activated Sludge Pump
1 - Sludge/Scum Transfer Pump
1 - 9 bank/4 light ultraviolet disinfection structure, effluent sampling structure and post aeration
1 - Sludge thickener
1 - Sludge aqua store
1 - Storm water holding basin = 728,590 gal

Water Utility

Municipal Wells
Well 5
Well 5

The Village has 2 - Deep Municipal Wells

Well #3 - 336ft deep - drilled in 1974

Produces 400 gallons/minute
Approximate run time = 3hrs/day
Disinfection Chemical - sodium hypochlorite
Corrosion Control Chemical - sodium silicate
Well #5 - 410ft deep drilled in 1998

Produces 350 gallons/minute
Approximate run time = 3hrs/day
Disinfection Chemical - sodium hypochlorite
Corrosion Control Chemical - sodium silicate
Contains an ion exchange system to remove Nitrates

Elevated Storage

Elevated Storage - Towers

1 - 100,000 gal sphere tower constructed in 1974
1 - 50,000 gal ground storage reservoir constructed in 2011

Miscellaneous Information

Elevated Storage - Towers

1 - 100,000 gal sphere tower constructed in 1974
1 - 50,000 gal ground storage reservoir constructed in 2011

Wastewater Plant
Wastewater Plant