Each of the following forms must be completed and filed on time by the candidates for municipal offices: 1. Declaration of Candidacy (Form GAB-162) 2. Campaign Registration Statement (Form GAB-1) Important: Must fill in Sections 1, 3, 5, certification (both treasurer & candidate) and exemption report 3. Nomination Papers for Nonpartisan Office (GAB-169) Nomination papers may not be circulated before December 1st. The numbers of signatures required are: 20-100. Fill-in forms can be found on the Reedsville Website under Links, on the Government Accountability Board Website under Forms or blank forms are available in the lobby in the Reedsville Municipal Building. All completed forms must be returned to the Village Clerk/Treasurer’s office by 3:00 PM on the first Tuesday in January in order for the candidates name to be placed on the ballot. The Village President is elected on odd years and two trustees are elected yearly. All elected officials serve a two year term beginning the third Tuesday of April.